The philosophy behind his writing and his books is to share his experiences and learning



Deb’s Insights

6 Silver Linings Of Making An Error

Errors are never looked at in a positive light. Since childhood, we are taught to aim for perfection and avoid mistakes...

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How To Not Serve Your Customers Deep-Fried Lizards

Recently, a pregnant woman found a fried lizard amidst her fries in a McDonald's outlet in Kolkata.

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5 Business Process Lessons From The Oscars Goof-Up

I had written sometime back that 2016 was a year of the unexpected.

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Three strategies that any small business can use to innovate

Innovation is the bedrock of all businesses. As is rightly said, if a business does not innovate,

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7 Reasons Why People Around You Could Be Phubbing

Technology has quietly changed our lives, both for good and bad.

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Is This A Lost Decade For Business Quality In India?

Quality has been a key pillar for enhancing India's competitiveness.

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6 Reasons Why Forgetting The Bitterness of The Past Will Make Your Life Better

We often struggle to heal the wounds in our lives.

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How small business owners can make their customers raving fans

All small businesses have an aspiration that their product or service should be so good that customers become raving fans.

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5 Management Lessons From The Samajwadi Party Imbroglio

The recent developments in the Samajwadi Party are much like a Bollywood pot-boiler,

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